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All You Are, otherwise known as AYA, is a tremendously beautiful, affective and effective organization being founded by visionary creator, Jamie Shaw. Its expanding ranks include many different individuals from all walks of life and vocational and creative backgrounds who share a common vision. To create an organization, indeed a brand, with the capability to have a powerful personal, social and evolutionary impact on all it touches in these exciting times, one which can bring abundance and joy and which can diversify from its solid foundations in a myriad of different ways. We are working now to bring on board backers, investors, funding, organizations, projects, communities and companies who are interested in exploring new ways of being, doing and having that resonate with the fulfillment of our own greater potential and that of society and the planet as a whole. All the cogs of AYA understand that the planet and all that is on it is going through a very acute evolutionary shift that, while challenging, gives us all the opportunity to participate and consciously build wonderfully fulfilling lives for ourselves that will make our hearts sing. There are education innovators, festival organisers, architects, holistic practitioners, musicians, creative professionals, outdoor adventurers, application developers, sound systems, structural engineers, specialists in human and social potential, trainers, paradigm shift facilitators, people with a passion for creating functioning communities and many more besides all gravitating towards what AYA is beginning. 





All You Are, otherwise known as AYA, is a tremendously beautiful, affective and effective organisation being founded by visionary creator, Jamie Shaw. At the present moment, it does not actually exist! It is searching for individuals from all walks of life and vocational and creative backgrounds who share a common vision - to create an organisation with the capability to have a powerful personal, social and evolutionary impact on all it touches in these exciting times. One which can bring abundance and joy and which can diversify from its solid foundations in a myriad of different ways.


The various cogs of AYA will understand that the planet, and all that is on it, is going through a very acute evolutionary shift that, while challenging, gives us all the opportunity to participate and consciously build wonderfully fulfilling lives for ourselves that will make our hearts sing.


We are searching for education innovators, festival organisers, architects, holistic practitioners, musicians, creative professionals, outdoor adventurers, application developers, sound systems, structural engineers, specialists in human and social potential, trainers, paradigm shift facilitators, people with a passion for creating functioning communities, expression facilitators, project workers, social enterprise people and many more besides. That is the gravitational pull of AYA...

So, we understand that we are living through an important era for the development of humanity. For some this can be best explained as a time of ascension where people have the opportunity to increase their resonance and lift themselves up to their own highest ideals. For others it involves a more down-to-earth sense that more and more people are waking up to the fact that they deserve to live lives that are more aligned with their sense of self and more sustainable and low impact. It does not really matter if you see things in more spiritual terms or if, for you, it is more about the creation of practical opportunities to choose a better life for yourself and to connect with others that share your vision. There is scope within AYA for all points of view and we understand that it is certainly more powerful and preferable for individuals to find out for themselves who and what they really are. Truth, like life itself, is an ever changing thing.


We share in the knowledge that, however it is framed, built into each of us is a kind of internal guidance system that shows us the way home, a voice which speaks to us of our highest purpose, places before us our own unique vision and puts us in contact with others who can help to make it happen. 


We feel that the various activities of AYA should assist people to release blockages that keep them fixed at lower levels and to develop:


ACCOUNTABILITY - Matching your choices and actions with your own deepest wisdom and insights and an understanding of how what you feel in your body about these choices provides a kind of snapshot about what that particular path will feel like for you if you take it.


HONOUR - Understanding how every single character in your lifestream is your teacher and avoiding making the mistake of rushing into trying to be everyone's teacher or guru. Bringing the skill of accountability into action without requiring the validation or approval of others. Love is unconditional and you learn to be fed by what you give, not by people's response to you. In other words: don't believe the hype!


HUMILITY - Learning to intuit the things that are going to happen anyway when you are in alignment with your path and realizing that manifestation is more about this alignment rather than your own creation. Then your way and life's way can become one. Is this grace?


SERVICE - Understanding that your service to the world contains everything that gives you your unique joy and the way in which you interact with life is of paramount importance. Let it all come to you and watch and feel as it all assembles around you rather than running around trying to force the issue.


We will seek, in all our activities, to blur the boundaries between the languages of evolved spirituality, human and social potential, expression facilitation and the creative arts, transformative education, design, community development, holistic health and to create integrated, practical pathways to taking a deeper sense of self-responsibility and the conscious creation of visionary lives. We're about shared values, more symbiotic living, self as sovereign, principles of fair share, people care and earth care, partnership, stewardship, co-operation between people as well as one person co-operatives. We love the idea of fractals. We will always aim for full disclosure, transparency, trust and trustworthy standards and the maximisation of the self-esteem of the empathetic human. We feel that the adoption of sustainable ways of being makes individuals and companies more productive and happier and we don't feel the need to hit anyone over the head with a big stick or warn of impending doom to bring about these changes. It's just not that effective and no fun at all.


We're developing a platform for partnership and stewardship so we can build something that can have real lasting impact. If that sounds like something you'd like to be part of then, great, get in touch.


You've heard the call, and that's where the real talent lies, the question is, how will you respond? 

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