


How do we do what we do?
We're in the business of helping people to choose to believe in themselves and now. We will provide a framework for truly remarkable, life changing experiences and support for the elevation of vocation to mean life purpose. Through their contact with AYA, individuals will be enabled to integrate their passions, their vision (or mission if you prefer) and their vocation, so that they can live all they are. The processes, experiences, guidance, support, infrastructure, frameworks and connections that AYA provides will assist all to awaken to their unique roles in ways that integrate both human and social potential, expression facilitation, evolved spirituality (with all the religion stripped out), physical, mental and emotional development and a focus on authentic personal growth.
For everyone the experience will be unique. For some it will involve the discovery of their passion, for others a way of better knowing themselves or raising the level of their confidence and understanding, allowing the consolidation and crystallisation of what they already felt to be true, and for certain people the experience will be most useful in lessening the sometimes paralysing paradox of choice or the distress that often comes from the perception that opportunities have been missed. For many there will come a way of dealing with and resolving the confusion of not having a calling, or the distress at not being able to get from A to B, or even knowing where B is. AYA will help all to find their place in the totality, find out how to start and to answer the question: Who would you be, what would you do, if you knew you could not fail?
The journeys to self that we inspire and facilitate, assist individuals to learn how to shape the world more effectively with their thought, how to connect better with the heart which can help us grow in directions which keep us centred, and how to bridge mind and heart in action. These learnings can lead us to the creation of a more fulfilling life and bring us into social and vocational contexts which allow us to thrive. A fluid combination of outdoor adventuring, improvement of the physical body, training, therapies and other processes designed to release blockages caused by somewhat dysfunctional conditioning, together with expression facilitation, enhanced networking opportunities, connection to others who can help make bring our ideas into reality, and an increasing alignment with the deeper, spiritual side of existence is the AYA model. And so we hope to become the choice of many seeking to live a more holistic, integrated life where everything they need is contained within their own authentic vision.