

What do we do?
Our primary focus is in the development of a series of relatively small scale events that inspire and enable individuals to begin journeys to self in ways that work. If you are in a position to help make that happen...get in touch! We're also looking to get different kinds of AYA centres and partners going on the ground and are open to your ideas. You'll find a place within AYA, that's for sure. Remember that this website is an online vision statement and strategy document. As everything becomes more grounded the 'what we do' will become clearer.

We plan to run a series of AYA events that harness the transformative power of the Camino de Santiago. They'll be focused on providing a framework for people to discover, align with, express and realise the path they need and to put them in touch with others who can help to make this happen. And all this in fun, fulfilling and challenging ways which will, for so many, be a pivotal, life changing experience. Working in partnership with existing communities and spaces in Northern Portugal and North Western Spain, we'll be running our events a little off the beaten track of this internationally famous pilgrimage route. We'll communicate the Celtic origins of the Camino, its inclusive present, and its capability to allow 'pilgrims' to engage their inner power to change. Many more pilgrimage routes around the world are ripe for harnessing.
At the centre of each of our events is a beautiful performance area. Loosely based on a traditional milkwood roundhouse but with a roof made of a honeycomb structure, this focal point will fire the imagination as a kind of FULLY FUNCTIONAL VISION FACTORY. Event goers will be invited to contribute a creative expression, in any format they see fit, of the vision for the life they want to lead. Each will be given a cell of the honeycomb in which this expression, be it painting, poem, song, or whatever, will be housed for the duration of the event. The services we offer will assist event goers to put together what they have learned along the Camino and what they wish to experience in their lives in ways which will really work for them. AYA events will deliver truly remarkable experiences and enable people to access doorways to the creation of less linear, more fulfilling lives and be put in touch with social contexts that will really work for them.
Sometimes we'll be running these events freely and at other times people will pay to attend. One possible way to do this is to include in this price tokens with which people can access the services we offer freely, services which are identified as useful in allowing our users to feel that they are themselves beginning a journey of life enhancement. You can read more about the plans for these events on the home page. AYA's stakeholders will be provided with a platform for sharing their expertise with people from all walks of life. And all this within an event that provides exceptional entertainment! The exact economic model needs work. Can you help with that?

AYA also wishes to engage in the development of an internet application to support the actualisation of the visions, projects and ideas expressed by those who come to our events. By effectively tagging and logging these visions, we'll be able to extend the reach of AYA far beyond the confines of our event spaces. We'll maintain interaction with those who we've touched, be able to develop revenue streams, and create a platform through which people can be connected with those who can help to make their vision a reality. There's a start-up application called OnRequest, operating out of Brighton, that we've had some involvement with. Have a look and give it a go here:

We hope to take a group of individuals away to walk the Camino de Santiago and through this we will be able to trial the AYA processes designed to help them access a more authentic life path. f you are interested in being part of this, just get in touch! We'll be making a documentary about what happens and will upload that to this site.
In time, as we develop, we'll be running a wing of All You Are devoted to working with disengaged people, pairing them with volunteers and enabling them to walk the Camino together. We'll be looking to use the experience to help these people to find out what they want to do with their lives and we'll be working with companies and organisations who are willing to explore forms of strategic philanthropy, to create opportunities for primed and ready apprentices. We'll even be setting up our own internal businesses. For example, AYA's founder wants to set up a fresh, streetwise outdoor clothing company that will employ, provide opportunity, and take design direction from those who've come through our Camino-based adventures. And, of course, it's not just about the Camino. You get the picture.

We'll be looking to work with the human resources departments of companies, large and small, providing packages that assist them to re-focus and revitalise their workforces so that their organizations are working in more harmonious ways and their employees feel that they are in the right positions for them. We'll take employees away to walk the Camino de Santiago, we'll provide workshops, training and sessions before they go to learn how to use the experience to align more fully their passions, their visions, or missions, and their vocation. We'll walk with them for the first week or so, providing support and guidance, and then let them go their own way. We'll be able to link these trips with the events we'll be running and the internet application we are developing and we're quite sure that these employees will return to their companies primed, ready and committed.
Perhaps in every 10 employees we work with, 2 will decide to leave the company, and pursue an alternative path, 2 will realize they are in exactly the right place and stop thinking that the grass is greener on the other side, and the rest will want to liaise with their company to make changes to their activities which will allow them to work more authentically and allow their companies to benefit enormously from a more integrated workforce, happier in their work. Details of these packages will be available soon. Watch this space!

The applications for communities and the scope for development are almost endless. Exciting times we live in...We trust your journey you will begin...