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We go beyond beliefs to knowings


We treat everyone as an individual and understand that their story is their jewel and in their vision lies their power


Teachers and students together create the teaching. The relationship is always 2-way providing a new intellectual basis for transformative education


Chance is given a chance


AYA has no affiliation to any particular religion nor should we be considered idealists


Truth, like Life itself, is an ever changing thing


AYA is not here to evangelize


At no point do we assert; "our way is better"


It's best if individuals can find out for themselves who and what they really are


We do not represent a model of any kind, but more of a path, where flexibility, spontaneity, accountability, honour, humility, service, integrity & individual authenticity are valued 


Through their contact with AYA, individuals are supported to ignore the noise, listen to their own truths, fulfil their highest potential and discover their life purposes


We play our role on the journey to a more awakened, universal humanity and less linear lives


Individuals are enabled to navigate with purpose towards the conscious creation of visionary lives and the realization of inner callings in action


AYA creates remarkable experiences, expands the art of the possible and remains accessible to all, with a special focus on nourishing and guiding the younger, more evolved, generations


Our interest is not actually in being equal, or indeed, in seeking equality beyond equality of opportunity, but in enhancing our capibility to express our uniqueness as vital members of the community and in facilitating the fulfillment of our own greater potential and that of society as a whole


We choose sustainable, renewable, organic, eco-friendly ways of operating because we understand that they are life enhancing, efficient, and productive, not because we're driven by "saving the planet"


Each life purpose is a vital element in the emerging body of an awakened humanity, each individual's inner journey is critical to the achievement of the whole and each individual is more able to more fully achieve their highest potential within the whole


With each of us a seed of transformation in the social body of unity consciousness, we are committed to showing that self-interest and mutual best interest, can, in the right conditions, be identical


We do what is in our heart and put our heart into what we do


We focus on personal growth rather than personal profit, and find that profit and abundance comes in material terms so long as we are authentic to who and what we really are


Phoenixes really do rise from the ashes every so often


AYA inspires all to express their uniqueness and channels this sea of creativity into vocational arousal and the elevation of vocation to mean life purpose


Breakdown can be transformed into breakthrough


Individuals are always suppoted to choose to believe in themselves and now


AYA provides opportunities for self-development, whatever stage of their jouney individuals are at


AYA is dedicated to the fulfillment of personal, social and planetary potential


Individuals are assisted to understand; "How do I fit into the totality?"


We enable people to awaken to their unique new roles and harness this self-evolution energy for the highest good of all concerned


We embrace our roles in the next phase of individualism, where we seek our uniqueness not through separation but through a deeper and ever expanding sense of participation in the whole


In order to support movement building, AYA deliberately shares its most valuable assets. We favour stewardship and partnership


Capture minds; gain behaviour. Capture hearts; gain commitment. Bridge hearts and minds, go stratospheric


The key to a visionary life is the courage to create


The regeneration of community can be achieved through enhanced individuality and the creation of spaces specifically designed for joining our geniuses and giving birth to our projects


We are committed to showing that self-interest and mutual best interest, can, in the right conditions, be identical and that social convergence rather than separation can act as a catalyst to the realization of our heart's desires


In following our dreams we aren't limited by what is assumed to be possible or permissable


We reside a little off the beaten track


We seek always to integrate the languages of human, social and planetary potential, enhanced spirituality, the creative arts and expression facilitation, vocational alignment and development, architecture and design, community regeneration, organics and outdoor adventuring


AYA events seeks to blur the boundaries between audience and performers and assist in the accelerated manifestation of visions


Art that looks back as well as forward is where the real challenge lies


Its ok to make mistakes


Your beauty is always noticed by irregular eyes



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journeys to self in ways that work

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