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The world is waking up. Are you? Do you want to be part of something that can transform how your customers see you? Do you want to be part of something that changes people's lives and maintains  interaction with them, providing opportunity for almost endless diversification? We're looking for backers, investors with vision, funding opportunities and strategic partners. If you're just interested in attaching your logo to our communication materials, please look elsewhere. If you are interested in being pioneers in integrating the fields of human, social and planetary potential, you're in the right place. 


We're ready for partners to help get us off the ground. We understand our products, our services, our markets and what our customers are looking for. We're ready to accept investment and partnership that'll help us grow and we're ready to work with those who are a good match for us.


Have a look through the INVESTORS section and the rest of the website, and decide if you wish to get in touch and open a dialogue. You can do that through the 'bontact' widget in the bottom right corner of your screen, in the CONTACT US sections of the menu, through the contact form in the footer and the "get involved" buttons that are present on all the pages, by sharing this website in your social media streams, or by donating directly through Paypal. Over the next few years, as we build towards our first events that harness the power of the Camino de Santiago, we'll be growing our operations, putting on superb shows, developing our applications and building our bases, networks and following. Get involved...

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